Benefits of Value for Triple Offset Butterfly Valves  Banner

Butterfly Valves

Introduction Butterfly control valves are quarter-turn valves that use a metal disc to control fluid flow through a pipeline. The disc is positioned perpendicular to the flow, and when the valve is rotated, the disc opens or closes to regulate the fluid flow. Butterfly control valves...

Zero Offset Butterfly Valve - Rubber Seated The disc rotates around the center axis allowing for a potential 360º rotation. Sealing is achieved by the Disc deforming the soft seal resulting in full friction through the full operating cycle. Double Offset Butterfly Valve - High Performance To allow...

Triple offset valves are less susceptible to wear and tear corrosion, and degradation, which makes them the most leak-proof and disaster-proof option for certain applications. Triple offset technology is made without materials that are vulnerable to corrosion. They’re the most durable option regardless of the...